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Is this two independant messages, or one message with two arguments?

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  • Is this two independant messages, or one message with two arguments?

    I read this on another post... "Is this two independant messages, or one message with two arguments?"

    I'm trying to route stuff from synapse for kinect into osculator. All of the messages come through fine, except the ones which have multiple arguments within the message. Can osculator not handle these? they simply dont show up, even though they should.


  • #2
    Hi Jim,

    Osculator should be able to receive any OSC message. If it does not display the message, most of the time it is because the message is not conforming to the OSC specification. It can also be a bug, but for this I have to make some checks.

    I can't find Synapse's OSC messages definitions on their website, so I guess I'll have to experiment. I will try with my Kinect this evening, and tell you if I find anything.



    • #3
      Alright, first of all, I had to search on Google to see that Synapse was sending OSC messages to port 12345 and 12347 (identical). It seems that it is able to receive messages on port 12346, but it is undocumented.

      I managed to get some messages after adopting the 'psi' pose for a few seconds.
      What messages are you missing?
      Here are the ones I have:
      • /torso
      • /rightshoulder
      • /rightknee
      • /righthip
      • /righthand
      • /rightfoot
      • /rightelbow
      • /neck
      • /leftshoulder
      • /leftknee
      • /lefthip
      • /lefthand
      • /leftfoot
      • /leftelbow
      • /head
      • /closesthand
      I should also mention that I find the tracking of this program is very good!



      • #4
        Hi Camille, I wrote Synapse, and you can find documentation here:

        If you tell Synapse to send you joint positions for a certain joint (by sending a message to 12346 like "/righthand_trackjointpos 1"), it spews data at you like "/righthand_pos_body 140 352 93". I've confirmed that this works fine in OSCulator. I suspect that Jim isn't sending the "/righthand_trackjointpos 1" type of messages often enough, you need to send one every three seconds or so as a "keepalive" to keep the data spewing.

        As an aside, I wanted to thank you for OSCulator! A very versatile app, well worth the money. I've been having a lot of fun controlling MaxMSP with my DJ Hero controller.


        • #5
          Hi Ryan,

          Thank you for the info! For some reason, I skimmed through your website and didn't see this page which contains all the information related to OSC.

          I understand the rationale behind the "keepalive" but don't you think it would be easier just to enable and disable joint positions indefinitely? Or provide an option to do so? (like a variation on the /righthand_trackjointpos message).

          OSCulator does not have the ability like Max to schedule messages on a timer, but also it would make like easier for a lot of people.

          Just my 2 cents...

          All the best,

